Monday, December 12, 2011

Cold-Temperature Storage Recommendations

Because cold-temperature storage can be detrimental to the performance of some AMSOIL products, AMSOIL offers the following storage recommendations:

Lubricants: Store at temperatures at least 10°F above the lubricant’s pour point.

Greases: Store in a dry environment at temperatures at least 10°F above the grease’s lowest operating temperature.

Gasoline Additives, Engine and Transmission Flush: No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage.

Diesel Concentrate, Cetane Boost, Diesel Recovery: No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage.

Diesel Cold Flow Improver, Diesel Concentrate Plus Cold Flow Improver: Store at temperatures above 0°F.

Brake Fluids: Do not store at temperatures below -40°F for longer than two weeks.

Heavy Duty Metal Protector, Metal Protector, Power Foam, Multi-Purpose Spray Grease, Fogging Oil, Silicone Spray: No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage as long as products are allowed to warm to room temperature before use.

Miracle Wash®: Will freeze below 32°F. Can be thawed for use.

Mothers® products: Store at temperatures above freezing.

Antifreeze and Engine Coolant: Will not freeze. No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage.

Dominator® Coolant Boost: Store above 32°F.

Slip Lock®: No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage. If product separates, heat to room temperature and shake well before use.

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