Monday, December 12, 2011

Cold-Temperature Storage Recommendations

Because cold-temperature storage can be detrimental to the performance of some AMSOIL products, AMSOIL offers the following storage recommendations:

Lubricants: Store at temperatures at least 10°F above the lubricant’s pour point.

Greases: Store in a dry environment at temperatures at least 10°F above the grease’s lowest operating temperature.

Gasoline Additives, Engine and Transmission Flush: No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage.

Diesel Concentrate, Cetane Boost, Diesel Recovery: No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage.

Diesel Cold Flow Improver, Diesel Concentrate Plus Cold Flow Improver: Store at temperatures above 0°F.

Brake Fluids: Do not store at temperatures below -40°F for longer than two weeks.

Heavy Duty Metal Protector, Metal Protector, Power Foam, Multi-Purpose Spray Grease, Fogging Oil, Silicone Spray: No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage as long as products are allowed to warm to room temperature before use.

Miracle Wash®: Will freeze below 32°F. Can be thawed for use.

Mothers® products: Store at temperatures above freezing.

Antifreeze and Engine Coolant: Will not freeze. No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage.

Dominator® Coolant Boost: Store above 32°F.

Slip Lock®: No adverse issues with cold-temperature storage. If product separates, heat to room temperature and shake well before use.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Briggs & Stratton partners with AMSOIL

Posted: December 8, 2011 - Announcement

Briggs & Stratton, the world’s largest manufacturer of small engines, approached AMSOIL for help. Their goal was to produce a synthetic racing oil for their highest performance and most expensive engines used in kart, junior drag, quarter midget and other racing applications. AMSOIL was specifically chosen because of our technical resources and quality reputation, and we delivered technology that exceeded expectations.

This new oil will be sold exclusively through Briggs & Stratton, and the company has announced its availability in early 2012 for the upcoming racing season. They have elected to boldly display an AMSOIL logo on the packaging to boost the credibility of the product.

AMSOIL Online Store 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Manage Your Retail Installer Account Information

With the launch of the new Retail Account Installer Locator, a new set of features is available on the Retail Account Information Administration page under Services -> Retail Account Information Administration in the Dealer Zone. The new tools allow Dealers to adjust their retail accounts’ contact and location information for the new Installer Locator at The AMSOIL Installer Locator connects customers looking for a “do-it-for-me” oil change with an installation location that carries AMSOIL products. To qualify as an AMSOIL installer on the mapping service, a registered retail account must have purchased $500 in AMSOIL products in the previous six months, and must have correct location and contact information registered with AMSOIL. AMSOIL will use this purchasing history to help ensure installers listed on the AMSOIL Installer Locator have an adequate supply of AMSOIL products to serve customers who find them online.

Please ensure all of your retail accounts that have the ability to install products on-site have correct contact and location information on file with AMSOIL, otherwise those accounts will not qualify for inclusion in the new Installer Locator. The Retail Account Information Administration page includes two instructional videos and a PDF instructions form to demonstrate the Installer Locator concept and provide guidance in using the administrative tools. 

The administrative tool is also available to retail accounts via a link in the Retail Account Zone. It can be found directly under the Online Forms section of Retail Account Zone, and is entitled Retailer/Installer Locations Form. This form will allow accounts to self-administrate their location and contact information, and add additional information for alternate locations, provided they meet program qualifications.

For more information on becoming an Installer, click here